
Privacy and Cookies



The current regulation about the processing of personal data, defined by the EU Regulation 2016/679 dated 27 April 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons and their personal data, same as the circulation of these data, contains direct dispositions in order to warranty that the same treatment occurs in the respect of rights and fundamental freedom of natural person.

1. Treatment purposes

In compliance to the duties established by the regulation in force, SWB – Sicilian Wheat Bank appointed as the Data controller, performs the treatment of personal data

  1. Contact
    All personal data collected for this treatment are strictly functional to the contact management.
    Personal data collected: Name, email
    Foundation of the treatment: legitimate interest

2. Methods of treatment and data preservation in time

he treatment will be done with or without the electronic tools, following the principles of honesty, legitimacy, directness, in order to defend the confidentiality and the rights of the interested people in every moment, in application to what is established by the law in force.
Your data will be preserved in conformity to what is established by the regulation in force, for a period of time not longer than the one needed to reach the purposes of the treatment and that can be linked to the time frame defined in the agreement between the parties, under a specific request of the customer, not over 3 years.

3. Authorized people – Data sharing

Only authorized individuals that need to handle data to fulfillment their activities can treat the collected personal data.
Data Controller declares that the personal data are stored in data centers located in the EU.

4. Data Controller

Data Controller is SWB – Sicilian Wheat Bank located in Piazza Armerina, 30 – 94100 Enna, in compliance with the European regulation n. 679/2016.
For any requirements, you can send a communication to the representative at the administrative office to the following address: info@bancadelgrano.it

5. Data Subject Rights

Data Subject can exercise his rights reported in the articles from 15 to 22 of the European Regulation n. 679/2019 in matter of Protection of personal data, among those:

  • The confirmation that a personal data treatment is in process and having the access (right of access, art. 15)
  • Amendment of incorrect personal data or integration of incomplete data. (Amendment right, art. 16)
  • The cancellation of the same data, if one of the reasons established in the Regulation (Oblivion right, art. 17)
  • The limitation of the treatment if one of the event of the Regulation occurs (Limitation Rights, art. 18)
  • The reception of a structured format, coming from a common use and readable by an automatic device, of the personal data supplied by the Customer to the Data Controller and to transfer these data to another Data Controller of the treatment. (Portability right, art. 20)
  • The revocation of the personal data treatment agreement, in every moment, without compromising the legitimacy of the treatment based on the approval gave before the suspension and to oppose to any treatment for marketing purposes.


What cookies are

Cookie are small text files that visited web sites sent to their data base where they are saved for future eventual visits to be transmitted on the occasion of future access. Cookie are used for different purposes, they have different features and can be used by the site holder and by third parties.

Here below you’ll find all the info on cookie installed through this web-site and the needed indication on how to handle your preferences about them. For additional info on cookie and their general functions, please visit an informative Web site as allaboutcookies.org.

Cookie used on this site: technical cookie that don’t request an approval for the installation

This web-site uses technical cookies related to the activities strictly necessary for the site operation and to the service supply. More in detail, technical cookie are installed that allow to connect user actions during the browser session, as for example, the passage from a page to another, allowing a quicker web-surfing.
The web site uses statistic third parties cookie (Google Analytics), used directly by the supervisor of the site to collect information in aggregate form to manage statistics in anonymous form, without the user’s IP tracking (not profiled IP data) and without the sharing of data with third parties.

All techincal cookie don’t require an approval as they are automatically installed after the web-site access.
Monitoring and/or profiling cookie are not used for those the installation is required to be approved by the user.

Data Controller

Data controller SWB – Sicilian Wheat Bank – La Banca del Grano SpA located in Piazza Armerina, 30 – 94100 Enna, in compliance to what is provided by the EU Regulation n. 679/2016 in matter of personal data Protection.

For any request, please send a mail with your communication to the representative person to the office or to the following email address: info@bancadelgrano.it

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