

October 12, 2023 – Market Update

The comment

US farm markets closed lower across all the board, with exception of corn, on Wednesday.
The Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development crop report, noted that for the week ending 10 Oct, fieldwork was limited owing to rainfall across the province hampering progress.
Chinese state-owned company is participating in railway construction in Brazil for the first time.
European wheat prices fell, extending losses to a one-month low.
England’s wheat harvest this year is provisionally estimated at 12.81 million metric tons, Britain’s farming and environment ministry said on Thursday.
Two more bulk carriers left yesterday the ports of Great Odesa with cargo.
More than 136 MMT of grain in bunker weight has been harvested to date in Russia, according to Russian Grain Union.
Malaysian palm oil prices fell, closing near their lowest level in 3-1/2 months.
Australia exported 359,392 tonnes of canola in August, according to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The markets

Chicago wheat Dec contract was down 2.4c/bu to 556c/bu;
Kansas wheat Dec contract was down 4c/bu to 667.2c/bu;
Minneapolis wheat Dec contract was down 5.2c/bu to 718.2c/bu;
MATIF wheat Dec contract, was down €3.5/t to €231/t;
ASX wheat Jan 24, was down A$8/t to A$399/t;
Black Sea wheat Dec contract not quoted since August 11, 2023;
US DWI Cash (durum wheat index) was unchanged to 946.61c/bu;
1CWAD (Canadian durum wheat) avg spot prices was down C$0.49/t to C$499.17/t;
EDW (EU durum) Dec contract, was unchanged to €398.5/t;
Chicago corn Dec was up 2.4c/bu to 488c/bu;
MATIF corn Nov was down €4/t to €199.5/t;
Chicago soybeans Nov down 19c/bu to 1252.4c/bu;
Winnipeg canola Nov contract, was down C$1.9/t to C$702.7/t;
MATIF rapeseed Nov contract, was down €8.25/t to €411.5/t;
Brent crude Dec was down US$1.83 per barrel to $85.82;
WTI crude Nov was down US$2.48 per barrel to $83.49;
BADI (Baltic Dry Index) was down 35 points to 1.948;
Dow Jones was up 65.57 points to 33.804,87;
S&P 500 was up 18.71 points to 4.376,95;
NASDAQ Composite up 96.83 points to 13.659,68;
US dollar index (Dec ’23) was up 0.012 points to 105.569;
AUD/USD weaker at US$0.6414;
USD/CAD firmer at $1.3594;
EUR/USD firmer at $1.0619;
USD/RUB weaker at ₽97.7351.

That’s all, thank you.
We wish you a nice day.

Author: Sandro F. Puglisi

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